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About our Farm

 Hello! We are the Clark family, Taylor, Ali, Campbell, Jozie, and Savanna. When our first child was born in 2018 our family goals and ambitions quickly began to take a new turn. I (Ali), resigned as a high school science teacher and became a full time mom. At the time, Taylor had owned and operated The Alternative Landscape Company for 14 years. He specialized in low-maintenance landscape design and installation featuring elaborate hardscapes. During peak season he would work long, exhausting hours; up before the sun and home long after it had set. To continue landscaping would mean less time with his growing family, so God led him to begin the transition of developing the Clark family's 150 acre farm in Morrow, OH.


To begin, research immediately led us to elderberries. Their amazing medicinal properties, hardiness, and scarcity (for USA grown organic) makes them a vital crop. Late 2019, we cut our first rows and purchased hundreds of cuttings. Elderberries are just the beginning, future plans include installing more specialty fruits that including Aronia berries, Japanese Haskaps (honeyberry), and perhaps agroforestry crops.


For livestock, we had been told about this amazing small homestead adapted animal known as the KuneKune pig. Rediscovered in New Zealand in 1984, these docile, grazing pigs quickly became a part of our farmstead in Goshen, OH . We purchased purebred KuneKunes brought in from all over the USA to create our breeding herd. Our first three litters were born within 24 hours making for a very exciting start. Future plans include bringing in cattle and sheep.


Boulder Berry intends to become Ohio's ultimate super fruit and alternative livestock farm specializing in the unique.


Thank you for taking the time to read our story, we appreciate all our friends and customers who already have shown overwhelming support in our endeavor. We love all of y'all and first and foremost give all the glory to God, our Creator, who's been so good to our family and always will be.


Taylor and Ali Clark

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